VISION- getting to your desired future.

There is a story about Walt Disney: when Disney World had just been opened and had only one ride, he was sitting on a bench on the grounds, seeming to just stare into space. One of his workers came past him and said, “How are you, sir?” Without looking at the man, he said, “Fine,” and kept on staring. So the man said, “Mr. Disney, what are you doing?” “I’m looking at my mountain,” he answered. “I see the mountain right there.” He told his architects about it and then, Space Mountain was built – even after Walt’s death. That’s vision.

Vision is the source and hope of life. The greatest gift ever given to man is not the gift of sight, but the gift of vision. Sight is a function of the eye; vision is a function of the heart. Eyes that look are common, but eyes that see are rare. Nothing noble or noteworthy on earth was ever done without vision. No invention, development, or great feat was ever accomplished without the inspiring power of this mysterious source called VISION. – Myles Munroe

Vision is the ability to see farther than what the ordinary eyes can look (seeing the future before it comes into being). Vision is the difference between looking and seeing. The force of vision is the most powerful force in life. It is a mental picture of one’s destiny. It is the ability to see the end of a thing right before it starts. Vision is the drive for change.

Another example of a visionary person is Helen Keller. Yeah, Helen Adams Keller (1880 – 1968) – the first deaf and blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree, an American author, political activist and lecturer. Albeit she was physically impaired right from birth, she didn’t allow her absence of sight to be a limitation to her vision. She went all out about her vision (without sight) and was later inducted into the Alabama Women’s Hall of fame in 1971. A closer look into her life revealed that what a man needs to achieve a goal, or bring to pass a dream is not sight but vision.

Purpose, vision and leadership

Purpose is the original intent for the creation/existence of something. Purpose answers the question: why? Purpose is the reason why you are here. Therefore, purpose is the source of vision and Vision is a glimpse of our future that God has purposed. Vision always emanates from purpose. A visionary man (leader) is a purposeful man (leader). In essence, leadership doesn’t come into place if you don’t know why you are here.

A popular definition of leadership is that; leadership is influence. That’s true but not detailed. Here’s a more explicit definition; Leadership is the capacity to influence others through inspiration motivated by a passion, generated by a vision, produced by a conviction, birth/ignited by a purpose – Myles Munroe.

In other words, leadership is a function of your vision which, in turn, is a product of your purpose. The three can’t be separated. You can’t talk of vision outside purpose and leadership doesn’t come into being if both have not been settled. Inspiration, passion and conviction work hand-in-hand with a man’s purpose and vision for him to be an effective leader.

This is how it works- you discover your purpose first and for an effective pursuit of your purpose- you capture a vision for your life that drives home your purpose, which, in turn, makes you a leader in your spot/sphere of influence.

Vision gives meaning to life. Vision simplifies life (it makes you understand that you were not born to do everything). Vision gives direction to life. It dictates the direction and path in which you will go. Vision enhances creativity.

Vision DEFINES a man- your vision must become your identity. Vision CONFINES a man- your vision will restrict you to do what it states, it will inform you and made it clear to you that: you are not born to do everything. Lastly, Vision REFINES a man- as you pursue the cause of your vision, you are transformed, changed and made pure(being cleansed from impurities).

Food for thought: “A man with vision but without television is better than a man with television but without vision”

Prayer: Father! enlarge my heart to conceive the vision for my creation, help me to diligently pursue and live by my vision.


I Love you!

Stay Relevant!
Live Responsibly!

©Ife-oluwa PurposeDan





Screenshot_2016-02-04-00-07-32Top of the day to you and happy new month to  you out there! In this month and beyond, you will live to be all that God has created you to be in Jesus name. (Amen)

Thus far, I have been able to help you realize who God created you to be, His intention for your creation- to be just like Him (nothing else). I have been able to help you understand why you are here (in a way)- to live as/like “God”-god- on earth. I have also been able to establish for you, the indispensable leadership qualities and abilities that you possess, as a result of the GOD-IMAGE in you. And the best thing that can ever happen to any man on earth is to live the life God has created Him to live.

However, it is important and essential to know that; living the life God created man to live is totally impossible outside God Himself. Here is what I mean: you cannot be all that God has created you to be without HIM, outside HIM, without his knowledge. Once you try to do so; trust me, the best you can ever try to be is to be YOUR FAKE.

Imagine buying a machine (one of a kind) without its manual or maybe, without asking the necessary question(s) about its mode of operation (from its manufacturer) before taking it home- I think it would have just been better you never bought the machine. The same applies to man. You are not here by your own doing; neither are you here by your own knowing or power. Just like the machine, man need to make some (and a whole lot of) enquiries from his creator- in order to live a relevant, significant and impactful life (i.e. in order to be useful).

Your birth was actually independent of YOU and dependent on GOD. He decided your appearance in the realm of time- not you. He knows you more than you can ever come to know yourself. He determines when to live and when to die- not you. Nothing comes into existence without the creative power of a creator. Devices, machines, equipment, etc. – all came into existence as a result of someone’s creative thinking given expression.

The creation of man was GOD’S thought given expression. God thought of you before he created you! And the earlier you accept this truth, the better! A machine cannot function beyond the operational “coding” and “decoding” embedded in it by its manufacturer. In other words, man (you and I) cannot live the life he has been created and designed to live outside his maker and creator- GOD. Why? Very simple: only the creator of a thing knows: how best his creation can be and what his creation is capable of becoming- the strengths and limitations/shortcomings.

The key to unlocking, unleashing and understanding who you are is GOD and him alone. And God has made this possible through his son- Jesus Christ. Your real life begins the day you accept him and as you continue in the knowledge of who He is. Here’s what Apostle Paul was referring to in his letter to the Colossians: Col. 3 vs 3- “… and your real life is hidden with Christ. (NLT)”

No man can boast of self-discovery outside Him, no one can boast of living a purposeful life outside Him. You cannot be the LEADER He created you to be without accepting HIM. This is not a function of religious fanaticism, neither is it a function of some theological deism. Both might be good but it’s far beyond that. I am a believer and I am not religious! I believe in God through Christ Jesus and the indwelling of his Spirit – Holy Spirit – in me bears witness to that.

Life begins to make sense, only when you have found LIFE himself. John 1: 4, “In Him was LIFE; and the LIFE was the light of men”. You can also check john 3:16 and john 10:10. I am calling you to discover who God is; I am calling you to believe in Jesus and accept Him as your lord and savior- because He is the key: the key to living the life you were created to live here on earth. The Christians call it salvation, Paul referred to it as the NEW BIRTH, Peter at some point called it REGENERATION- the term is not what matters here, but the event itself. JESUS CHRIST IS THE KEY TO LIVING THE LIFE GOD CREATED YOU TO LIVE.

Prayer: Father! Thank you for the provision of life in Christ Jesus, I accept him as my Lord and master. Forgive me of all my sins, help me to daily trust in you as I live to be all that you’ve created me to be in Jesus name. (Amen)


You are important and relevant!

Live Responsibly!

Jesus Saves!

©Ifeoluwa purposeDan.





Thomas Alva Edison- inventor and savvy businessman, held more than a thousand (1,000) patents for his inventions – most credited for the invention of the first commercially practical incandescent light in 1879 (amidst many other inventions such as the phonograph, motion picture camera, etc.)- which was patented January 27, 1880, was reported to have made a thousand (1,000) trials before he finally succeeded with the light bulb invention. When a reporter asked him, “How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?” Edison replied, “I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.”

In my own words, I will like to describe the light bulb invention as Thomas Edison’s journey towards making life better. All he was after was to create the light bulb, albeit there exist already the electric lamp: but he sought after a more noble cause- the light bulb. In his works, the design and model of operation were in place, but the 1,000 trials of formation (of making), wasn’t yielding the desired result- at least, not until when the first successful light bulb lasted 13.5 hours (October 22, 1879). This is the lesson here: Thomas Edison already had the light bulb created in his heart, but the making/formation which took 1,000 trials (steps), wasn’t the true picture of the creation in his heart- not until the 1,001 attempt.

It is true, that God has created man in His image and He has equally predestined us (all men- generic) to be conformed to HIS own very image. Every journey is characterized by two fundamentals- the beginning (departure) and the destination. In this case both are the same: man’s creation and man’s formation (conformation). Again, God has created us in His image, but it will take the formation process- being CONFORMED to HIS image, to actually live as and like GOD. And it is while we tread this part that we consciously and unconsciously fulfill the mandate of leadership placed on each and every one of us. Genesis 1: 28- “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have DOMINION over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth”- emphasis added.

In God’s original plan for humanity, man was created to be like and as God- but only a few have actually lived to have reach the destined point of being formed to HIS IMAGE, when compared to the whole of man’s population. God’s intent and plan for mankind hasn’t changed neither has he slacked in the fulfillment of HIS promises. II peter 1: 3 says that: ”According as His (God’s) divine power hath given us all things that pertain unto LIFE and GODLINESS, through the knowledge of HIM that hath called us to glory and virtue”- emphasis added.

Here’s the truth- all that we need, to be formed to be HIS created IMAGE: to live as and like God on earth- while expanding God’s own kingdom and territory, has been made complete in the Son- Christ Jesus. Friends, all we need to do is to believe and trust Him. Accept Him, as the Lord and Savior of our lives- not until then, we can never reach our destination. Here’s John’s view about man’s journey: 1 john 3:2- “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is”

Prayer: Father, thank you for what you’ve done for me through Christ Jesus, I accept His lordship and reign over my life, and I choose to walk in the light of your word for my life. Amen.

Self discovery!

You are important to me!

Live Responsibly!

Jesus saves!

©IfeOluwa Purpose-Dan.




There are quite a number of schools of thought on the subject matter – “what life is all about”. Some opined that life is a DESTINATION, some thought it is a JOURNEY, some believed it is really what you define it to be while some are just INDIFFERENT. I wouldn’t say any of the above is not correct, neither are they wrong, but I would want to stick with the school of thought that opines that: “LIFE IS WHAT YOU DEFINE IT TO BE”. However, it is important to note that man’s definition about a ‘subject’ is most often dependent on his perception and what he could see about the ‘subject’.

It is an established truth that we are all created in the image of God (irrespective of culture, nationality, language etc.) – no doubt about that, but it is not everyone that lives in this REALITY. Do you know why? It is good to know that we are CREATED in God’s image, but that’s not enough. However, it will be good enough to know that there’s another part to man’s creation and that’s the FORMATION. The first book of Moses-Genesis- revealed that it took the FORMATION of the man God had created to live to be like God. (Gen1:26 Gen 2:7). It was after the man was FORMED that he did things like and as God (he named all the beast of the earth and was the general overseer of the Garden of Eden). In other words, man’s CREATION in the image of God was manifested after the FORMATION of man.

In view of the above, I will like to define life as a JOURNEY; a journey from man’s creation to his formation. This was what apostle Paul was referring to in his letter to the church in Rome,(Romans 8:29); “For whom he did foreknow, he also did PREDESTINATE to be CONFORMED to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren”- KJV(emphasis added). God’s desire for man is to be conformed to be what he was created to be and that was why he did predestinated it to be so. And that, was the reason for Christ’s coming to the world and his coming to you right now. Being formed and to be conformed to the IMAGE of God is not something man can strive to do all by himself; it’s impossible. It is only possible in and with GOD himself.

I don’t know what you might be going through presently; neither do I know where you are in the journey of life. But I do know you are created in God’s image and this can only be manifested if you will allow GOD to FORM you to be what he created you to be (his image). He is ever-ready and always present to help, if only you will ask HIM. Life is a journey; from creation to formation (conformation). Why don’t you invite Him? -as you continue in the journey.

Father, thank you for creating me in your image, thank you for your desire: that predestined me to be conformed to your image. I realize now, that I cannot be who you have created me to be except I depend on you. I trust in you from this moment onward. Amen!!!

#Self Discovery…

You are important to me!

Live responsibly!!

Jesus Saves!!!



Good day to you over there! and a happy new year from here. 2016 will be your best so far. I pray that 2016 will be a fruitful and purposeful year for you and your family in Jesus name.(amen).

That said!,follow me as we go on a journey of self-discovery. I do remember listening to one of Dr. Myles Munroe many messages sometimes last year, where he asked his audience what they can see in him holding a citrus seed. They all chorused; a citrus seed. of course, they are right! But he asked them again: what can you see? With the auditorium as silent as the grave yard, he answered: A FOREST!!! How? A seed, after being planted germinates and grows to become a tree which later produces fruits and seeds; which in turns become an orchard: A FOREST! Hope you get that?

The same way there’s a forest inside a seed (which is however dependent on your ability to see and visualize), so also is the image of GOD in you: God’s own characteristics, attributes and qualities. In fact, scriptures in Gen 1:26-27, revealed and established that man (YOU and I) was created in the IMAGE and LIKENESS of God. In other words, GOD created man in the image and likeness of GOD i.e. God created “gods” (YOU and I). The psalmist also testified to this: psalm 82 vs 6.

The truth is the truth! and the truth is that: YOU are created in the VERY image of GOD. Irrespective of what you are passing through, your background, your past, etc. YOU are GOD’S IMAGE, and that’s who you are. Can you please do me a favor? take a “good” look at yourself in the mirror. what do you see? what can you see?

What you see is who you are and who you are is what you live. I pray that God almighty will open your eyes to see rightly: clearly and better!!!

Thank you father!, for creating US in your VERY IMAGE.

In subsequent series of my post, join me as journey together on the path of self-discovery, self-development and self-deployment of the leadership life you’ve been created to live.

YOU are important to me!


#competence,creativity, character!