Good day to you over there! and a happy new year from here. 2016 will be your best so far. I pray that 2016 will be a fruitful and purposeful year for you and your family in Jesus name.(amen).

That said!,follow me as we go on a journey of self-discovery. I do remember listening to one of Dr. Myles Munroe many messages sometimes last year, where he asked his audience what they can see in him holding a citrus seed. They all chorused; a citrus seed. of course, they are right! But he asked them again: what can you see? With the auditorium as silent as the grave yard, he answered: A FOREST!!! How? A seed, after being planted germinates and grows to become a tree which later produces fruits and seeds; which in turns become an orchard: A FOREST! Hope you get that?

The same way there’s a forest inside a seed (which is however dependent on your ability to see and visualize), so also is the image of GOD in you: God’s own characteristics, attributes and qualities. In fact, scriptures in Gen 1:26-27, revealed and established that man (YOU and I) was created in the IMAGE and LIKENESS of God. In other words, GOD created man in the image and likeness of GOD i.e. God created “gods” (YOU and I). The psalmist also testified to this: psalm 82 vs 6.

The truth is the truth! and the truth is that: YOU are created in the VERY image of GOD. Irrespective of what you are passing through, your background, your past, etc. YOU are GOD’S IMAGE, and that’s who you are. Can you please do me a favor? take a “good” look at yourself in the mirror. what do you see? what can you see?

What you see is who you are and who you are is what you live. I pray that God almighty will open your eyes to see rightly: clearly and better!!!

Thank you father!, for creating US in your VERY IMAGE.

In subsequent series of my post, join me as journey together on the path of self-discovery, self-development and self-deployment of the leadership life you’ve been created to live.

YOU are important to me!


#competence,creativity, character!

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